“Workshops are a great way to get lots of information and hands-on experience in a very short time. ” SEB
Susan offers small, intimate workshops at her studio, on a range of topics, throughout the year. Favorite subjects include surface decoration, animal and botanical sculpture, and the creation of boxes, but possibilities are wide open.
Every now and then, Susan ventures out into the big world. Some of her favorite places to teach are The London Clayworks in the Bywater neighborhood of New Orleans, the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts (LHUCA) in Lubbock, Texas, and Natchez Pottery Studio in Natchez, Mississippi.
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022

Light it on Fire!
Lanterns and Candlesticks
The London Clayworks
3000 Royal St.
New Orleans, LA 70117
Sunday, June 19, 2022
from 10 am – 4 pm
Fee: $150
In this illuminating one-day workshop, you’ll construct a sculpture that light on fire: both lanterns that conceal their own oil repositories, and candlesticks or candelabras that accommodate tapers of various shapes and sizes. Susan will demonstrate how to construct sturdy foundations such as columns and pyramids, and how to elaborate on these forms with architectural, botanical, and animal elements. From flaming bird heads to stacks of sizzling fruit, these will not be your average light source. Blank shapes, slabs, sample candles, and wicks will be provided.
With luck, participants should emerge from this marathon with two pieces ready for bisque.
Call Susan at (504) 284-8787 or send an email here.
Fri, Sat, & Sun
August 19-21, 2022
August 19-21, 2022

Feathered Finery:
Birds in Functional Pottery and Stand-alone Sculpture
The Mississippi School of Folk Arts, Natchez, MS
209 Franklin St,
Natchez, MS 39120
August 19, 20, 21, 2022
Weekend Workshop $225
This weekend workshop focuses on birds in all their finery. Susan will discuss anatomy, function, and decorative elements.
We will work on functional pieces such as cups, bowls, and vases, that incorporate avian gestures and decoration. We will also construct free-standing (or -sitting) sculptures, with attention to gesture, props such as clothing and pedestals, expression, and surface decoration and glazing. Although we will not have time to fire the work, students should emerge from the weekend with a few pieces to take home, plus a clear plan for glazing and situating the work.
Clay included. Students should provide basic hand-building tools, such as a flexible red rib, serrated metal rib, wooden tools, clay knife, fettling knife, and sponge. Minimum 6 students, maximum 12. All levels are welcome.
MSFA Clay Studio members receive a discount for this workshop. Lunch Sunday is included in tuition.
Sept. 25, 2022
Sept. 25, 2022

Introduction to Bisque Molds
The London Clayworks
3000 Royal St.
New Orleans, LA 70117
Sunday, September 25th, 2022
from 10 am – 2 pm
Fee: $125
Enter the infinity of shapes and structures that bisque molds allow you to create. Susan will discuss what makes a good mold and you will make 1 or 2 molds that you can use again and again for both functional pottery and sculpture. She will also demo how to alter and add to these basic forms. Please feel free to bring something to make a mold from but we’ll have tons of options too. This session will be jam-packed with useful information!
Call Susan at (504) 284-8787 or send an email here.
Friday, Jan. 6th–
Saturday, Jan. 21st, 2023

Bird is the Word!
A Two-Week Ceramics Workshop
Mississippi School of Folk Arts
209 Franklin St.
Natchez, MS 39120
Fee: $850 ($750 for early-bird registration through September 30)
In this avian extravaganza, we will explore the many ways in which birds bring life to functional ware and inspire portraiture in clay. We will make cups, bowls, and other vessels that incorporate bird bodies and gestures, as well as construct free-standing sculptures that both capture and abstract from the spirit and attitude of individual birds. Susan will demonstrate slab and coil construction, surface decoration with slips and glazes, and the engineering of large work. We will investigate the relationships between anatomy and gesture, realism and impressionism, character and metaphor, and of course fantasy and humor. Eyes, beaks, wings, legs, and feet (and outfits, don’t forget the outfits)–we’ll make them all.
MSFA will host a meet-and-greet Friday afternoon, January 6th. Work in the studio begins Saturday, January 7th. We will wrap up on the morning of Sunday, January 22. Instruction and demonstrations will be conducted each day, except for Saturday and Sunday, January 14 and 15, when students can choose to take a day off or work independently in the studio. Students will have access to the studio outside of class time.
We can suggest several places to stay for those registered for this workshop.
Sign up at the MSFA website: